Massive delivery for Port Kembla

06 Nov 2017 10:40 AM | Anonymous

Original news was published 03 November, 2017

Australia's Port Kembla has seen the delivery of some huge machinery in one of the port's biggest ever deliveries.

The massive equipment included three giant coal stackers, which load coal into stockpiles ready for shipping, and a huge reclaimer which loads these stockpiles onto ships.

The machinery was designed and constructed by thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions Australia in western Australia and loaded in a single lift onto the heavy lift ship Jumbo Kinetic for the journey to New South Wales.

The port claims that the reclaimer, weighing 1,490 tonnes, was the biggest piece of machinery ever loaded onto a ship in a single lift at the Australian Marine Complex south of Perth.

The machinery will form part of the Port Kembla Coal Terminal Restoration project which will replace the 30-year-old infrastructure currently in place at the terminal. When installed, the new machinery will be able to process 144,000 tonnes of coal per day.

Port Kembla Coal Terminal (PKCT) is a coal exporting facility that services the coalfields of New South Wales.